Hear it from the Patients: Testimonials
The following testimonials show some of the incredible results of MeRT® treatment at the Brain Treatment Center.
Autism Testimonials
“After trying various treatments and conducting thorough research, we decided to travel from our home in Illinois to the Brain Treatment Center in Dallas. It was the BEST decision we could have made for our six-year-old son, who has severe apraxia and is on the spectrum.
“After six weeks of MeRT treatment, our son said his name for the first time! He has been more flexible with his daily schedule, OCD tendencies have lessened tremendously, and he does not become as anxious as he had previously experienced in new places and surroundings.
“We cannot thank Dr. Miller and his staff enough for the kindness, care, and genuine concern they have shown (and continue to show) our son and our family. They are always available for questions, concerns, and they truly support all patients and their families. For our family, MeRT and the Brain Treatment Center have been a journey worth the endeavor!”
the Korczak family
Parents of child with autism“We did six weeks of MeRT and last session finished last week. Major gains we have seen:
“Speech would be the biggest part, trying to describe things and trying to form sentences; his therapist is shocked at how much he is talking now.
“Sleep: my child slept well prior to MeRT, but there was lots of flipping around the middle of the night. Now, no more flipping; sleeps through the night for 10-12 hours (wow, I know).
“Hyperactivity has reduced. He is playing more games and stays in the same game for a longer period of time.
“He’s trying more varieties of food and will ask to try new food.”
Parent of a child with autism
“We have just finished our first round of MeRT therapy. Very worthwhile for us so far. Gains so far: Our 5-year-old girl, who already has great language capabilities but would often not respond at all to us (low receptivity), started becoming very outspoken about what is on her mind and giving us way more insight into her thought processes and overall just way more responsive.
“I feel like I’m truly getting to know her for the first time. She has had more patience, and is more easily taking turns with toys when sharing with friends and siblings. She can now go with the flow much more and can be reasoned with if things don’t happen the same way as before or as she expected. And she’s less picky with food.
“There’s a heap more, but these are the main ones. The only tricky thing has been increased agitation and minor hitting, but that has since faded to zero. I think she had a lot of brain activity increase that might have caused her to feel overwhelmed temporarily.
“Also, I should say in addition to us parents, her Nana and uncles were taken aback by her responsiveness to them after our time away for the therapy. She would never say hello or goodbye and now says it all and engages in back-and-forth conversation with them, too.”
Parent of a child with autism
“We are dropping a line to thank you for your help last summer with Immanuel. We are RVing this weekend and marveling at how well Immanuel now socializes with other children at the campsite. He is also at a private school and he is able to succeed without the extra support.
“His occupational therapist has been amazed, as well. She evaluated him before he started treatment with you but started therapy AFTER. She says that he has been crushing the prescribed program — he scored significantly above expectations at the latest eval, and he is speeding through the stages.
“We are thrilled by Immanuel’s progress. It touches our hearts more than anything—that he has friends now. Thank you for making this treatment available and for your guiding us through the process.”
David and Debbie J.
Parents of child with Autism“My daughter was non-verbal before MeRT. We had MeRT on August 14-September 8, 2023. She started repeating what I said (in Spanish) yesterday! I can only credit MeRT for this!”
Mother of a child with autism
“My kiddo is finishing up her last two weeks of treatment and I cannot be more excited about the gains/progress we have had in the last six weeks. She was very aggressive, had high anxiety, and had no eye contact when talking. One to two words when communicating. Now we can have a relay back-and-forth conversation at least three times with a lot more words. No meltdowns.
“She has become more social with her sibling and peers at school. Better sleep hygiene. Independent with her hygiene morning routine and improvements in school.
“We will do maintenance at the end of the summer for 2-4 weeks.”
Mother of a child with autism
“3 months post-MERT, emotional regulation has improved dramatically. I can take him out on my own. Two of us went to the farm today as daddy was working and we enjoyed it. Walked by himself the whole time, no running away from me, would not go too far from me and would come back to me when I called.
“In the farm cafe, I even asked him to sit at the table looking after my bag and I went and got us a coke. He was aware and was holding my bag while remaining sitting and also looking at where I was to make sure I was in his sight (I was lining up at the counter to get the coke and he could see me from the table).
“The whole thing would not be possible one month ago as he would just run away from us if he saw things he liked (not aware of danger). He would just meltdown/run away if I insisted on holding his hand to stop him from running. He would lay down anywhere when having meltdowns even in the middle of traffic. We would always go out with dad so if he started running into traffic, daddy could pin him down.
“We have seen so many gains, but his gains have grown slowly and gradually. He just turned 4 in September. He has always been a fast learner, but after treatment he has been smashing all of his goals with his therapy.
“Good luck to all the parents. Hope is there.”
Mother of a child with autism
“It was a great experience with a very friendly and professional staff! When we first brought our child to the clinic, we expected some progress with her speech skills, but we ended up getting results in other unexpected areas.
“The first change we saw with our daughter was that she started to make eye contact. Then she started to be more aware of her surroundings. Second, she stopped stemming, and that was the biggest change for her. Third, but not least, she started to socialize and play with other children!”
Beatriz Yanez
Mother of child with autism“My 10-year-old daughter just finished MERT. Even though she is an older kid, the change in the back of the brain was pretty significant, and in the middle and front parts, we see better alpha and lower theta and beta.
“I am good with the charts. How about in real life? We will see when she goes back to school next week. But we see better speech, more patience, better play time with her younger sister, and better understanding and follow up on directions given.
“Side effect? Didn’t see any headaches or anything. She got really ‘hangry,’ but after the last session, that is gone. The clinic explained that it was normal as the therapy was pushing the brain to work out, so she might have felt more hunger.”
Parent of a child with autism
“Last day of MeRT! He had a six-week treatment. Had great feedback from his teachers about how he is so more alert and engaged than they have ever seen him. Huge improvement in mood, much less irritated and his depression is gone after 4 years! Benefits continue to come post-treatment. I think in 3-4 months, I will do another qEEG and track his post-treatment.”
Parent of a child with autism
“My experience here has been life-changing. My 15-year-old son with autism, after only three weeks of treatment, has already begun to show great improvement.
“He is less aggressive, his speech is more fluent, and he is finally sleeping throughout the night. It’s like a light switch has been turned on.”
Parent of a child with autism
“Before doing MeRT Therapy, I was very skeptical because I didn’t know how it would affect my son. We found out he was diagnosed with ASD at 3. He was starting to regress severely. At 5, he wouldn’t pay attention to his surroundings, wouldn’t react to his name being called, had no sense of awareness, no eye contact, became completely non-verbal, and had minor symptoms of ADHD.
“My husband and I did a lot of research before starting and were really nervous to start, seeing how much money it was going to cost us. However, we can now say that we are glad we took that leap of faith.
“Our son is now making eye contact when we speak with him, has gotten his first haircut without crying, is starting to be verbal by saying words, repeating words back from his tablet, humming and slightly singing, and it truly feels good to hear his voice again.
“His speech therapist says she is seeing much more progress compared to before and behavior has gotten way better in school.”
Mother of a child with autism
Depression Testimonials
“My experience at the Brain Treatment Center was life-changing. I struggled through years of sleeplessness, constant worry, and struggle with everyday life. Halfway through my first treatment plan, my spirit was revived.
“My loved ones, acquaintances, and people I met started to comment on my positivity and overall demeanor. I went from losing hope to cherishing every moment.
“I would urge anyone who is struggling with head injury, depression, PTSD, or any type of psychological struggle(s) to pick up the phone and inquire. Your best days are still to come.”
John G.
“For me, depression was the constant feeling of, ‘I want to quit’ and retreat to my home, except I already would be home. MeRT helped me shed this feeling in less than two weeks. I couldn’t believe I had spent so many years feeling this way!”
MeRT Patient
“Everything changed when I started treatment. Within two weeks, I was sleeping better. I was off all 12 of my meds that I was on when I started treatment, and I was starting to enjoy life again.
“After the first month, I was socializing with people again, I was able to work out for the first time in years, and I started to help my wife with the bills and our budget. A conservative estimate is that I have had a 60 – 70% reduction of the symptoms and have a whole new lease on life.
“I can focus, feel good about myself, feel confident, and laugh again. Most importantly, I can feel the love for and from my family again. I have never met a group of people who truly are solely focused on helping people feel human again. Spend a day here, and you will see a miracle.”
MeRT Patient
“I just finished six weeks of their specialized form of TMS treatment, and it is life-changing. If your depression or anxiety has been resistant to medications, therapy, or other forms of treatment, I highly recommend the Brain Treatment Center.”
Mary Ann E.
“I felt like I was alone even though I was surrounded by love and care. It was just a cloud that would linger over my life every now and again. BTC helped me understand what was going on in my head, and after a month of treatment, I was grateful to be DEPRESSION FREE and MEDICATION FREE for the first time in my life.”
MeRT Patient
Patient“For anyone suffering from depression, anxiety, and other symptoms, I highly recommend trying MeRT. My adult son, who has suffered from both problems his entire life and has been on medication, realized a positive change after the first visit. We saw dramatic improvement after each visit. This technology is truly a magic bullet.”
Harold H.
ExecutiveTBI Testimonials
“I’m back! My TBI turned me into someone I barely recognized. I was depressed, mean, and short-tempered. I pushed through life filled with frustration and a deep sense of sadness that this was it. And I just had to keep pushing through life with an overwhelming tiredness.
“I’m so glad I was wrong. I think my direct reports and family are even more thankful. This treatment changed everything, and I am forever thankful.”
41-year-old male with TBI
“I was offered the opportunity to attend the BTC to help with the effects of the TBIs I had endured over 21 years of Military Service. And I am absolutely glad I did so — I felt the positive effects of the treatment in the first 3 days.
“I had irritability issues, although California Traffic will do that to you, and sleeping issues, among other things. On Day 3, I started sleeping through the night. And not just sleeping, but sleeping hard and dreaming. So I know I was in R.E.M. sleep.
“It has helped me focus, feel more energetic, less irritable, more caring to others, and helped with joint pain and tinnitus. The staff is also very amazing and extremely professional. I highly recommend the BTC. Trust the process, and you’ll have the same results as I did.”
=TBI Patient
Patient“I did six weeks of therapy at the Brain Treatment Center. I started therapy with anxiety and depression due to traumatic brain injury. After the third week, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I started to have ah-ha moments, but it was about things I already knew.
“The therapy allowed me to clear my brain and concentrate on things. I was no longer spiraling about things that really didn’t matter but seemed real at the time. Thank you for my life back.”
TBI Patient
“I’m two or three months past my last treatment, and I can honestly say my brain is in a better place than it was before. The emotional highs and lows I was living with have been stabilized. My cognition took off during that period, and it hasn’t slowed down since.”
Nick Hardwick
Retired NFL Center, Chargers“The team at the Brain Treatment Center are the most genuinely kind people you will ever meet. And the MeRT treatment has made a HUGE quality of life positive change for me.
“I am a vet who got blown up a couple of times and I suffer from TBI and PTSD. These sessions have turned my life around. My wife notices the positive changes in my depression, anxiety, and irritability and says I am fun to be around again.
“I can’t say enough great things about this place. Thank God it exists!”
Cyrus B.
“In the ensuing months after the concussion, I just wasn’t myself. My academics began to suffer as well. I didn’t feel right. My EEG showed me that something had physically changed with how my brain functioned.
“After three days of treatment, I felt substantially better. After two weeks, I felt like I did before my injury. MeRT was life changing.”
21-year-old female with TBI
“I’d just always ‘outworked’ it. After the last concussion, that wasn’t an option, even though I had previously walked off a dozen concussions. It’s vital to know that not all TBIs result in massive concussions, but they all add to the erosion of the mind and self if untreated.
“Through EEG, MeRT, and some subtle sleep and attention shifts, I’ve had a radical, nourishing, strengthening, and dare I say, ‘healing,’ that has brought me to see life through a filter I’ve never known was available.
“Giving life a chance is sometimes just staying in ‘the Try.’ If you are damaged, confused, and at the end, know that you have allies that you’ve never met before.”
Tait Fletcher
Stunt Performer“I’ve made significant progress in cognitive ability, stress tolerance, and mental clarity. I have been able to handle decisions much better and think clearer. And I have been able to significantly decrease conflict with my family and actually lead much better.”
Male with TBI
PTSD Testimonials
“THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for your help with TMS/MeRT for my PTSD symptoms! Refiring those frontal lobe neurons had me reading ten novels in six months! I’ve NEVER read that many in ALL my prior life!
“The confusion, distraction, and memory issues were greatly reduced. The treatment does wonders. And whatever you did last time had an unexpected, incredibly wonderful effect. Besides helping with my sciatic, shoulder, and leg pains, I STOPPED TAKING OXYCODONE A WEEK AFTER, COLD TURKEY, unexpectedly AND WITH ZERO WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS!
“IT WAS LIKE I’D NEVER TAKEN THEM, but the truth is that I did for at least a decade prior. It was Vicodin for the decade prior to that. Now, while I do have some pains, I take NO OPIODS! I manage with ibuprofen, and Tylenol. This is worth every penny. THANK YOU!”
PTSD Patient
Patient“Combat has robbed me of the ability to show my husband spontaneous affection. My husband’s PTSD is so severe that if I reach for him, he flinches. He swings at me and pushes and has actually smacked me.
“I have not been able to go up behind him and put my arms around him for seven years. But I was finally able to for the first time yesterday after only two days of treatment.
“I actually walked up behind him, and he didn’t jump or flinch as I hugged him. He instead turned around and hugged me tight, kissed me, and said, ‘I love you, love.’ He’s usually never affectionate, loving, or happy towards me. That’s a miracle.”
Wife. of Marine Veteran
“Of all my injuries, by far the worst were the ones you could not see. I had degraded to the point of not being able to leave my home because of panic attacks and severe anxiety. I could not hide from this feeling, and no medication could numb it.
“At one point, I told my doctor I couldn’t kill myself because I have a family with young children that I am responsible for. I was living in despair and physical pain every day without reprieve — that is, until I was able to get treatment.
“I underwent neural restorative therapy [MeRT] for two months with total symptom resolution. Now I can function again at work and can spend much-needed time with my family. I have my sense of well-being back and a clarity of thought I haven’t had in many years.”
US Army Veteran
“We have seen a dramatic change in Alex. He is so calm, happy, and positive. He wakes more alert. The man I knew was inside of him has finally come out. We are so much closer as a couple, and the relationship between our kids and him is much more functional.
“The VA has treated him for the past six years, and he’s undergone so much individual and group therapy, but it has NEVER had this positive effect on him. I will forever be grateful.”
Wife of Army Veteran
“With being diagnosed with PTSD, depression, and anxiety by Veterans Affairs, a calm and welcoming environment is important. The treatment makes me sleep longer and deeper than before treatment. My ‘dark feelings’ fade away. I feel happy and calm.”
Sean K.
“It was absolutely terrifying not to know what was wrong with me or how to fix the problem. MeRT not only identified the deteriorated state of my brainwave activity, it restored its function. I consider the healing I experienced to be nothing short of a miracle.”
US Army Veteran
“Within four days of being treated, I was sleeping through the night. My anger had subsided significantly, and I was smiling and enjoying things again. I was able to focus and concentrate on information much more efficiently and easily and did not get lost in conversation as I had prior to coming to BTC. My chronic headaches had ceased, my balance was returning, and my ringing in my ears (tinnitus) had also ceased.”
Marine EOD Tech
Patient“The experience I had at BTC was nothing short of a miracle. The treatment I received has completely changed my life for the better.
“I was able to reset my circadian rhythm and sleep through the night without medication. My nightmares became few and far between. My anxiety lessened almost immediately, and I became able to do the things I used to enjoy, like going to the gym, cooking, and reading.
“I could focus my attention again, and my mood lightened a lot. My fiancé and family immediately noticed the change in me and said that it was like they had gotten their ‘old’ Sarah back.”
US Army Veteran
PatientAdditional Testimonials
“I have been a patient of Brain Treatment Center for over 6 years. First in Newport Beach, California, and then in Dallas, Texas. I have Parkinson’s and have greatly benefited from the treatment, allowing me to have a relatively normal lifestyle. Dr. Miller and Senior Tech Erika Shelby are wonderful. This is a miracle treatment!”
“I recently conducted 6 weeks of MeRT treatments with incredible results. My mind is clear, and I am able to focus much better than before. My memory recall is also much improved.”
Skip S.
As I am still in treatment and can’t speak to the final results yet, I want to direct my comments to Dr. Miller and his staff. They are all amazing! He is smart and works hard to help you understand the complex issues of the brain and how it relates to how we function. Katie is the best at working to make the appointments fit your schedule, and the two technicians are wonderful – so professional and friendly as well. It is such a positive environment, creating great hope! I recommend it wholeheartedly!”
Patient46 Doctors, 29 Treatments, 40 Medications, and Nothing Helped… Until MeRT
“I was not diagnosed with TBI until 2011. I was so bad off that I was no longer able to take care of my children by myself for any extended period of time. My wife had to run the entire house, including myself, our 2-year-old, 5-year-old, and two dogs. I believe the best way to put into perspective how bad off my health was is to show the medical treatment I received between only the fall of 2011 and now.
“Constant symptoms were: Daily headaches (between 6-8/10 on the pain scale), severe neck pain, severe light sensitivity, tension headaches that radiated through my jaw, nausea, acid reflux, left leg sciatic nerve, excessive sweating even without physical exertion, poor/no sleep, exhaustion, angry outbursts, severe anxiety, severe depression, poor concentration, and memory loss.
“I was seen by 46 different doctors including Neurologists (7), Psychologists (5), Social workers (4), Endocrinologists (4), Internal Medicine (2), Gastrologists (1), Pain Management (4), Spine (1), Ortho (3), Chiropractor (3), Physical Therapist specialists (3), Vestibular (2), Ophthalmologist (3), Audiologists (2), Ear Nose and Throat (1), Physical Medicine and Rehab (1)
“Doctors instructed me to try 29 different treatments: Physical Therapy, massage, acupuncture, float tanks/sensory deprivation tanks, yoga, alpha stim, TENS unit, scraping, cupping, traction, meditation, guided imagery, biofeedback, aroma/oil therapy, chiropractor, reiki, therapeutic touch, herbal supplements, ketogenic diet, paleo diet, gluten-free diet, art/music therapy, mindfulness therapy, contrast baths, getting a minimum of 30 minutes of sunlight per day, drinking water with loads of electrolytes, stellate ganglion block (twice), nerve blocks C-2 thru C-5 and Botox.
“I was also prescribed over 40 different medications during this time…
“None of these doctors, treatments, or medications were effective in reducing any of my symptoms for more than a couple weeks of time. By the summer of 2016, I was addicted to Narcotics, diagnosed with numerous orthopedic issues, severe depression, severe anxiety, and moderate PTSD.
After Starting MeRT
“Everything changed when I started treatment. Within two weeks, I was sleeping better. I was off all 12 of my meds that I was on when I started treatment, and I was starting to enjoy life again. After the first month, I was socializing with people again. I was able to work out for the first time in years, and I started to help my wife with the bills and our budget.
“As I write this, I just completed my sixth week of treatment. A conservative estimate is that I have had a 60–70% reduction of the symptoms I listed above and have a whole new lease on life. I can focus, and I feel good about myself. I feel confident, and I laugh again. And most importantly, I can feel the love for and from my family again.
“I have never met a group of people who truly are solely focused on helping people feel human again. Spend a day here, and you will see a miracle. The individual time and attention given to any and every patient is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It really shows how much each employee truly cares about EVERY patient that comes through the door.”
- David, MeRT Patient
*Testimonials appearing on this website are received in various forms via a variety of submission methods. The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who used our products. However, individual results may vary. We do not claim, nor should the reader assume, that any individual experience recounted is typical or representative of what any other consumer might experience. Testimonials are not necessarily representative of what anyone else using our products may experience. The people giving testimonials on this website may have been compensated with free products or discounts for the use of their experiences.
The testimonials displayed are given verbatim except for grammatical or typing error corrections. Some testimonials may have been edited for clarity or shortened in cases where the original testimonial included extraneous information of no relevance to the general public. The Brain Treatment Center Plano is not responsible for the opinions or comments posted on this website and does not necessarily share the opinions, views or commentary of postings on this website. All opinions expressed are strictly the views of the poster or reviewer. All testimonials are reviewed for authenticity before they are posted for public viewing.
Testimonials on this website are not intended, nor should they be construed, as claims that the products or services mentioned can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. To the contrary, our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. No testimonial has been clinically proven or evaluated, and no medical claims whatsoever were made and no statements on this website have been evaluated by the FDA.